How to change ownership of a dog

Hi I’d like to change ownership of my dog from myself to my partner. How do I do that?
Barbara Czernek-Soares


  • Hi,

    If a dog have to change its main owner, a change of ownership must be made at NKK. Change of ownership can most easily be done electronically at the main owner's "My page".

    If the change of ownership cannot be done electronically, we must have the main owner's original signature as confirmation of the change of ownership. This can either be done on the back of the certificate of ownership, or a change of ownership form must be completed. The completed form can be sent to NKK by email to or by post. You can find a link to the change of ownership form here: Change of ownership form.

    For more information on change of ownership of a dog, see: Change of ownership.
    NKK registrering

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