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Ormekur ved salg til Tyskland

Skal sende en valp til Tyskland via Sverige - drar med bil/hundehenger fra Norge til Tyskland.  Trengs det veterinærbekrefta ormetabletter ved passering inn til Tyskland ?  Valpen blir boende der..
Paul-Harald Roland, Alta


  • Hei!

    Det ser ikke ut som at dette er et krav, men jeg ville sjekket dette med mattilsynet, eller bedt kjøperen kontakte sine lokale myndigheter og spørre om hvilke krav som gjelder for innførsel av hund til Tyskland. 

    EU rules on travelling with pets and other animals in the EU - Your Europe (europa.eu)

    Travelling with pets: dogs, cats and ferrets
    EU rules make it easy to travel to another EU country (in this case the 27 EU countries + Norway and Northern Ireland) with your dog, cat or ferret. These rules also cover travel to the EU from a country or territory outside the EU.

    With a few exceptions, your pet can travel with you to another EU country or from a non-EU country to an EU country if it has:

    • been micro-chipped (in line with the technical requirements of Annex II of the EU Regulation on the movement of pets) or has a clearly readable tattoo if applied before 3 July 2011
    • been vaccinated against rabies
    • had treatment against the tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis, where your destination area is free from this tapeworm (Finland, Ireland, Malta, Norway and Northern Ireland)
    • a valid European pet passport, when travelling from an EU country or Northern Ireland to another EU country or Northern Ireland or an EU animal health certificate, when travelling from a non-EU country.
    NKK helse

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